Don Foster was born in Ontario, Canada in 1932, but was raised in British Columbia. He became a resident of the United States in 1955 and a citizen in 1965.
While still a student at the School of Art and Design in Laguna Beach, California, he began exhibiting his landscapes and seascapes and presenting lecture-demonstration programs to art associations. Requests for workshop classes and other teaching opportunities resulted in his obtaining a Life-Long State of California Teaching Credential as an oil painting and watercolor instructor.
Don later became a faculty member with Adult Education programs at the California State University, Long Beach. He has organized and taught annual outdoor oil painting classes in Grand Teton and Yosemite National Parks, the Canadian Rockies, and along the coasts of California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii.
Equally adept with either a painting knife of brushes, Don now specializes in scenes of nature, striving to, as he puts it, “point the finger of discovery” through impressionistic realism, visually sharing what he has seen or imagines. His prestigious gallery representation has included Zantman’s of Carmel; The Jones Gallery, San Diego; the Saddleback Western Art Galleries, Santa Ana; and the Desert Southwest Gallery, Palm Desert, California.
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